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Visionary Machines Delivers Milestone 3 of RICO FLW Contract
Visionary Machines was on-site at 103 FD WKSP, 5 CSSB to deliver Milestone 3 of our RICO FLW contract.
A big thank you to LTCOL Alex Palmer and RICO for providing us the opportunity to showcase Army our passive 3D ISR mapping capability in a GPS denied environment. Another big thank you to CO 5 CSSB LTCOL Stephen Mencshelyi for letting us use the 5 CSSB facilities, resources, and G Wagons. Finally, thanks ASM 103 FD WKSP WO1 Mick Hopper for assistance during this contract as we could not have achieved the success on the day without it. The day was a great example of Australian Innovation at work and an excellent example of Industry and Defence collaboration.